Tax and Accounting Professionals

Terms and Conditions

It is understood that Vonder Accountants Ltd will rely upon the information provided by the client. Our services are not intended to, and accordingly will not result in the expression of an opinion on the Financial Statements in so far as third parties are concerned, or in the fulfilling of any statutory audit requirements. It is understood that during preparation of the Financial Statements and Taxation Returns Vonder Accountants Ltd will not be specifically investigating non-compliance with laws and regulations. However, should anything come to light of this nature during this process, we will bring that to the client’s attention.

Vonder Accountants Ltd claims a lien over all books and records in our possession until all work has been performed and all fees rendered have been paid.

Vonder Accountants Ltd will hold a scanned copy of your accounting records used for the completion of Accounts/Tax returns. All original documents are returned to the client. It is the client’s responsibility to store and retain the risk of loss or destruction of all records and information supplied to Vonder Accountants Ltd for 7 years.

What you provide to us remains yours and will be returned to you when the engagement is completed. Work papers that we create remain our property. However, if your affairs at some time in the future are handled by another Accountant, we will make available, as required by the Code of Ethics, such information regarding your affairs that is essential to enable your new accountant to perform the services we previously provided.

If appropriate we will store tax records that we hold on your behalf for a period of seven years after the applicable balance date. At the end of that period, unless you ask us to send that information to you, the records may be destroyed using a secure document destruction service

Conditions and responsibilities

It is understood and agreed that:

  • The client will provide Vonder Accountants Ltd with accurate and complete information necessary to compile the financial statements;
  • The client accepts responsibility for all records and information supplied to Vonder Accountants Ltd and the client accepts responsibility for any failure to supply Vonder Accountants Ltd with all relevant records and information;
  • The financial statements will not be audited;
  • It is the client’s responsibility to ensure any reference to Vonder Accountants Ltd as accountants are not deleted;
  • The client acknowledges that Financial Statements prepared by us are for your purposes only and that Vonder Accountants Ltd will not be liable for any losses, claims or demands by any third person that may rely upon them.
  • Vonder Accountants Ltd will prepare the financial statements in accordance with the ATAINZ reporting standard 1 : Compilation Engagement or using service level standard 2 as per the Chartered Accountants Institute of New Zealand standards or the Special Reporting standard under the Income Tax Act 2007 and the Tax Administration (Financial Statements) Order 2014. Whichever suits your business the best.
  • Uninformed readers could be misled unless they are aware of the possible limitations of the financial statements and our limited involvement;

Our Fees: Vonder Accountants Ltd will always charge a fair and reasonable fee.

  • Our fees will take into account all relevant factors including:
    • The time and labour we expend;
    • The skills, specialist knowledge, and responsibility to perform our services properly;
    • The importance of the matter to you and the results we achieve;
    • The urgency and circumstances in which the matter is undertaken and any time limitations imposed by you;
    • The complexity of the matter and the difficulty or novelty of the question involved;
    • The experience, reputation and the ability of the accountant undertaking the work;
    • Whether the fee is fixed or conditional;
    • Practice disbursement costs.
  • The current fee charges are from $65.00 to $350.00 per hour depending on the level of expertise required. Certain work does have a set fee.
  • Fee charges apply to meetings, written and email advice and any phone consultations in lieu of meetings.
  • Fees charged for consultancy work outside are based on our standard hourly rates and billed as the work progresses plus the reimbursement of direct expenses.
  • Fees charged for liaising with the IRD to resolve any tax matters, disputes and objections are based on our standard hourly rates and billed as the work progresses plus the reimbursement of direct expenses.
  • Vonder Accountants Ltd maintains a holding account specifically for the purpose of receiving tax refunds. All tax related refunds will be deposited into Vonder Accountants Ltd Holding account. Any fees owed to Vonder Accountants Ltd will be deducted first, and then any residual will be electronically deposited to an account as directed by the client. Vonder Accountants Ltd will act to do this 48hrs of receipt unless otherwise requested. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure Vonder Accountants Ltd has a correct bank account number to deposit to.
  • It is understood that Vonder Accountants Ltd has the right to charge interest on overdue accounts at the rate of 2% per annum above the average Floating Mortgage rate of the day, and that all accounts are due for payment 7 days, after the invoice date. The charging of such interest will be at Vonder Accountants Ltd discretion.
  • It is also understood that any collection costs; including but not limited to legal, court, and debt recovery cost, incurred will be fully recoverable from the client.
  • Unless stated otherwise all fees quoted are GST exclusive and does not include disbursements or expenses which are payable by the client.

Registered Office for Companies and record keeping

The records to be kept under Section 189 of the companies Act 1993 the constitution of the company:

  • minutes of all meetings and resolutions of shareholders within the last 7 years:
  • an interests register:
  • minutes of all meetings and resolutions of directors and directors’ committees within the last 7 years:
  • certificates given by directors under this Act within the last 7 years:
  • the full names and addresses of the current directors:
  • copies of all written communications to all shareholders or all holders of the same class of shares during the last 7 years, including annual reports made under section 208:
  • copies of all financial statements and group financial statements required to be completed by this Act or any other enactment for the last 7 completed accounting periods of the company:
  • the accounting records required by section 194 for the current accounting period and for the last 7 completed accounting periods of the company:
    the share register.


Registered Office for Companies and record keeping

Where you are a company and we act as the registered office for the company we will maintain the statutory records for the company as required by the Section 189 companies Act 1993. You will provide us with all of the information needed to maintain the statutory records.

Were you are the registered office for the company you will maintain and hold the records required under Section 189 of the Companies Act 1993.

The records to be kept under Section 189 of the companies Act 1993 are details in our General terms and conditions.

Companies Act 1993 Annual Returns

Where you are a company our office is to be your address for communication unless you instruct us otherwise.

Where you are a Company our office will prepare and lodge all annual returns with the Registrar of Companies unless you instruct us otherwise.

Distribution and Solvency—For Companies

Where you are a company, you acknowledge that we have neither direct nor indirect liability of any type or to any extent whatsoever to you or your shareholders, directors, employees or creditors for your solvency or otherwise and you alone take full responsibility to ensure that any dividends, shareholder and / or director remuneration and distributions are at all times in accordance with legislative regulations and will not imperil your solvency or impair your ability to pay your creditors when they fall due, despite any advice that we may have directly or indirectly given to you.


Where you are a trust you will maintain and provide copies of the relevant records for the trust including:

  • a copy of the trust deed.
  • any deeds of variation.
  • contact details for all trustees and beneficiaries.
  • any trust accounts and tax returns.
  • a schedule of assets and liabilities.
  • a gifting schedule.
  • a record of imputation and RWT credits.
  • Minutes of the meeting of the trustees and decisions made.

Where we act as a trustee of a trust, we will maintain the above records for the trust

Fringe Benefit Tax

If required we will prepare the appropriate period returns based on the information that you supply to us.

If you decide that you will prepare your FBT returns, then you will be responsible for filing the returns by due date.

Goods and Services Tax Return

If required we will prepare your GST returns for the required periods on the basis of information that you supply to us.

If you decide that you will prepare the GST returns, then you will be responsible for filing all GST returns by their due dates. We shall endeavour to reconcile them with your Financial Statements and advise you of any apparent discrepancies.


We will:

  • Maintain strict confidentiality about your records and affairs.
  • Not deliver your records to any other person without your prior consent.

For clarification, we will not disclose that information to other parties, without your express consent, except as required by law or professional obligations. However, as members of the Accountants and Tax Agents Institute of New Zealand (ATAINZ), we are subject to and bound by the disciplinary procedures and rules of the Institute, and our work and files are subject to the practice review rules of the Institute under which compliance with professional standards by members is monitored. These procedures and rules require us to disclose to the Institute, its reviewers and/or its disciplinary bodies our files and work papers including client information. By allowing us to undertake this engagement (whether or not you sign this letter), you acknowledge that, if requested, our files relating to this engagement will be made available to the Institute, its reviewers and/or its disciplinary bodies. We assure you that the same ethical standards regarding confidentiality that we adhere to apply equally to the Institute’s reviewers.

Direct Debit/Automatic Payment

The use of a Direct Debit/ Automatic Payment provides certainty of cost and helps with cash flow during the year.

  • The price agreed for the direct debit is an estimate only for the completion of the financial statements. Any other work will have a separate cost which will be agreed prior to commencement of that work.
  • If required there will be an end of year square up to reflect the actual cost for the financial accounts.

Email Correspondence and Current Contact Details

  • You authorise Vonder Accountants Ltd to use any email address that you give us to communicate with you about the work we do for you.
  • Vonder Accountants Ltd has virus protection software and security protocols in place. However, we cannot guarantee electronic communications will be free from viruses or other defects, are secure, or will be received.
  • The client will notify Vonder Accountants Ltd of any change of address, phone numbers and email addresses promptly.

TAX Obligations

We will remind you of your tax return and tax payment amounts and due dates. However, the income tax Act 2009 puts the ultimate responsibility for filing your tax return and making the payments by those due dates, on you.

Authority to Act

Vonder Accountants Ltd requires a signed Authority to Act and a completed Client questionnaire before starting work on any accounts every year.

Personal Guarantee

By signing the engagement letter, you acknowledge you are giving a personal guarantee for the payment of fees and charges for you or your related Entity/Company/Trust/ Partnership or Joint Venture.

Any concerns?

Please contact us if you have any questions about this policy.

Visit Vonder Accountants for Professional Tax and Accounting Services